Friday, April 27, 2012

We are Family....We love SportS Psychology..!

Conducting an event maybe such a simple and easy work to be done by some of people. But for me who is an amateur in this field might think twice before accepting such a huge responsibility as one of the component in realizing the program. As the task from our beloved lecturer, we are given the responsibility to conduct a seminar related to Sport Psychology. After having couple of meetings, we have decided to conduct a seminar entitled “One Day Seminar on Sport Psychology” that covers topic about diet, health, motivation and future prospect in Sport Psychology.
            The leader which is Program Manager had been chosen, and the task had been given to every members of the class. Holding task ask sub-committee for Catering Bureau,  even though not such a significant like Program Manager, Secretary, Financial Controller etc, for me that task is one of the important and crucial part in every event. Providing and managing food during the event is such a gigantic responsibility. For me, when I deal with this task, I have to make sure the quality, quantity and the price of the food is in the best condition. Even though people might think that being only for a sub-committee cannot supply us with significant quality of a leader, but for me being a sub-committee is a necessary part before holding the position as a leader. Feel and experience the basic and small part of the task is the component that will generates and build an effective leader that equipped with good characteristics and moral values.
            Being a leader to oneself is more crucial part before we want to lead others. Thus, for me everyone is a leader……responsible to manage himself for achieving his goal and the betterment of the ummah. Thus, just like my Ustazah in my secondary school, we are free on being what we want to be, but we are responsible for what decision and action that we had done. Leading our self to achieve the goal that parallel with al-Qur’an and Sunnah is our mission in this world.
            During the process of getting the best caterer for the seminar, my head of Catering Bureau and my sub-committee clique had face a lot of issues and problem when dealing with the price. By given a small amount of budget, it is impossible for my bureau to manage in getting caterer to supply their food for us. Alhamdullillah…finally, by the endeavor and effort that had done by my team, we manage to get caterer that really understand our budget constraint and limit. Thanks a lot to Evoke Café because its generosity to offer the lowest price that we also quite surprise when heard about it. Besides that, my clique also able to get some “kuih” sponsored by Aminah’s café. When thinking again about it, I remember what Dr. Harris mentioned in my Organizational Psychology class, “When energy which comes from every team member’s effort…..combined together, it will form synergy.” He said that, the capability of synergy is more and extra powerful compared to energy. Thanks also to my Head of Catering Bureau because always give us motivation in fulfilling our task. This characteristic that portrayed by him, I think can make him as an effective leader because he had bestowed with the capacity to motivate people around him. Besides that, I can describe him as the one who listen to every people opinion and open to constructive criticism. This quality should be own by every leader in order to be fair and justice to others. Thus, by having this kind of personality, it can be the platform in improving task and the quality of performance for every individual.
            The second challenge that for me is the difficult one that I had faced is when giving the responsibility to be an MC for the seminar. When the Program Manager announces that I am the one who will handle the seminar, I cannot say using mouth how afraid I was. Why they give me such a huge responsibility to handle the seminar even though they know that I am among the most “silent” person in the class embellish with an introvert personality? I wondered why such decision made by them. They had paired me with Faiza which is I know her since in Nilai Campus (kitorang budak tukar kos She’s from ICT, and I’m from Nursing- since semua budak tukar kos ditempatkan kat satu kelas…so memang dh lame jugak ar kenal..) make me feel a little bit comfortable because she had experience in handling event. Thus, she can help me latter. Without asking why, I just accept the responsibility that had given to me. For me, this is the way on how to challenge my self to increase my self confident in public. However, somehow I feel very afraid and always imagine what I should do when I make mistakes during that seminar. My self is the strongest enemy that I should fight. Thus, I said to myself that I can do it and I can. I had done a lot of practice together with Faiza and the practices somehow give me strength and ability to brave my self handling the seminar.
            During the seminar, my heartbeat increase drastically but I manage to overcome it by “Selawat” and correct breathing technique that had been teach by my beloved lecturer which is Dr. Hariyati Shahrima, the back bone of the seminar. There are a lot of problem that we encountered during the four sessions on the day of the seminar. Among of the problems are the guest speaker late to come, the foods arrived a bit late, and many more. Due this kind of problem, my script had to be revised on the spot and it makes me feel anxious and nervous. I really afraid if the audiences feel bad about me and annoy with my words. Alhamdulillah, with all the difficulties that happened to me and Faiza, we manage to deal with it. This is due to the strong team spirit that we demonstrate during the seminar. Every plan A come with plan B and the other plan and finally we manage to handle the seminar until the end. Teamwork is the major element that contributing to the successful seminar that we conduct. Even though frankly speaking on the rehearsal (the night before the seminar) we had faced a lot of conflict that creates tense to that moment, Alhamdulillah we are able to put aside our personal problems and be professional. By putting aside our personal problem with the other team members and focus to our goal in making the seminar run in the finest way, our request had been realize by Allah (S.W.T). Even though there are a few flaws that can be identify, for me we had done a great job. With such an enormous difficulties, I think we are able to minimize the impact of the problem and able to find the solution of it. The successful of the seminar I think may due to such a great teamwork that we had done in realizing the event. Crucial problems like not enough space to allocate the participants, late arrival of food and speakers, and the unexpected numbers of participants had been able to settle by us. “Bagai aur dengan tebing” I think that is the best sentence that can describe us. Although we are different in term of personality or whatever it is, we have to lend a hand with each other so that we can able to achieve our goal and act in the harmonious way. For me, the conflicts with each other somehow are the element in the process of manifesting an excellent relationship with others. Conflict can make us understand each other, and by the conflict itself we will able to improve the weaknesses that we have in order to be a better person. Team is like a bunch of wood, difficult to break it. That is why the reason why Islam really emphasize about the importance of brotherhood and ummah. Making the “Muhajirin” and “Ansar” is the most easiest and ideal example that we can take. Without having solidarity and cohesion, our society will prone to destruction and damage. Thus, teamwork is very important in order to equip us with the best strategy and solutions in order to realize our goal and for the betterment of the ummah..I have learned a lot from this seminar...and it answer my question why our lecturer really want us to manifest her idea to make the seminar..There are a lot of weaknesses in me that i should improve..and the best think about the seminar is...WE ARE FAMILY....having such a happy and difficult moment together...make me really appreciate my lecturer..oh...i love u guys.......(ok guys...enough..enough...tears is coming)..tq 4 reading...khamsahamnida!

Gate of Motivation....

Assalamualaikum ….and Hello!
Pergh…sejuk betul pagi sabtu ni….solat..mandi dan terus ke kiosk Faruq yang suram untuk membeli senaskah akhbar….(pergh bapak poyo ayat ni bro!)…ok…as usual (walaupun baru jer mula buat macam ni)…I start to turn the paper to the back and reading the sport section…..bola..bola…bola…hurm..bosannya..everything is about…Liverpool, Arsenal…Manchester United (team bola satu ni je yang minat selain Harimau Muda dan Harimau Malaya..)..Then cerita pasal rasuah la…semuanya  negative and honestly…reading  such kind of news make me feel annoyed and I think everyone related in the sport industry should attend religious class or usrah so that they are not just physically strong, but also in term of spiritual aspect..(dah macam ustaz pulak…ni semua sebab tak lepas audition Imam Muda)..Then one news that grab my attention…and I continue to read it until the last word…ok guys…lets check out the news..
Mamat bukti Malaysia boleh…
Mohd Harrif Salleh tampak menemui semangat luar biasa apabila kembali ke negeri asalnya, Terengganu untuk mencatat keputusan terbaik apabila meraih tempat kedua, perlumbaan Peringkat Ke-8 Le Tour de Langkawi (LTdL) yang berakhir di Chukai , Semalam.
Ok..after reading the news..Mohd Harrif Salleh berkata bahawa semangatnya untuk memenangi pertandingan tersebut terbit selepas dia melihat pintu gerbang sempadan negeri Terengganu  yang harus dilaluinya untuk menamatkan perlumbaan. He said that he had instill the spirit to win over hundreds of “mat salleh” who had participate during the competition. Logically, with a small physical body compared to other hundreds of mat salleh…it will somehow demotivate the athletes. But for him, it is not a big deal.  This kind of spirit actually had to be instill to all our athlete..and it involves the element of motivation. Unlike performance variables like body weight, running speed, and jumping distance, motivation is an abstraction…Motivation actually is like an abstract painting that have different meaning and interpretation…I might said that this painting shows joyful moment and the other might said that it is misery..So…everyone have their own interpretations that build their arguments. For athletes, the existence of their beloved one during the competition like said by Nadea Sukarno (Taekwando athlete..and my classmate who share one same interest..Kpop…SS501)…might burn their spirit to win the competition and some athletes might said that money is everything. Maybe we can said that type of motivation can be divided into spiritual and physical matters.
For Harrif Salleh..i can said that his motivation was derived from his Intrinsic Motivation..why? ..because he said that he want to do the best in front of 10,000 supporters that cheered him along the 5km distance. The support from the local people boosts his physical and mental strength along the way. I think all the supporters should be praise due to their support to local athletes during this competition. I think intrinsic motivation should be emphasize more compared to the extrinsic motivation..Why?..because money cannot buy everything…and it cannot last longer….Compared to the intrinsic motivation…that will give strong impact to the athletes physically and mentally and everyone as the supporters can manifest it.

Equipment 4 EFFECTIVE leader..

According to Barrow 1997, leadership can be defined as the behavioral process of influencing the activities of an organized group toward specific goals and the achievement of those goals.  The one who is given the responsibility a leader by hook or by crook have to maximize his ability and credibility in order to increase other people performance and motivation.  In order to become an effective leader, there are certain attributes that should be possessed.
Physical vitality and stamina is one of the important attributes that should be possessed by the leader since they should be the ideal example for the athletes. As we know, engage in sport activity need a lot of physical exertion and as a leader, they should demonstrate a strong physical vitality and stamina in the field. Besides that, strong mental condition also should be shown to the athletes as a foundation when dealing with pressure condition in competition for example. When the leader show strong physical and mental states, the athletes may further more confidence with their leader and will make them as the best example.
Besides that, the leader has to be an intelligence person. As we know, involves in sport activity require a different technique and strategy. Besides that, the leader also the one that responsible for leading the team, the leader should be not only physically strong but they also should possessed high level of intelligence so that they can cope and deal with every problem and crisis wisely. Furthermore, managing a team is not an easy task. Every decision should be evaluate creative and critically.
Understanding of followers and their needs also the important attributes that should be hold by an effective leader. Every follower has different need like food preference. The effective leader has to know well their followers and have to understand their needs so that any problem will not occur in the future. Effective leader have to keep in touch with their followers and build a strong rapport so that the followers will feel that they can easily share what in their mind or anything that disrupt their mind. Thus, understanding of followers need can be one of the potions in the successful team.
The next attributes should be possessed by an effective leader is trustworthiness. Having this quality is very important as a base for having good ethics while doing responsibility as a leader. Be an honest leader   can offer a clean games that free from corruption and illegal action that. The leader should manage to elicit the decision objectively and free from bias when dealing with followers and others to make sure successful goal can be achieve. Thus, trustworthy is very important quality for an effective leader in order to grant a good future for a team.
The last attributes that should be hold by an effective leader is need for achievement. The leader should have high motivation in order to lead their team to do better and try their best in every competition. A winning somehow is not necessary but a new records or better performance achieved compared to previous performance is the most valuable achievement. The leader have to instill an eagerness quality in every their athletes or followers to create a better performance so that their records can be improve. Thus, by setting a goal in order to achieve better in every competition, athletes will strive their best for the sake for improving their performance and winning can be considered as bonus.

Climbing or Jumping?....

According to Maslow theory “The Hierarchy of Needs”, the theory mentioned that we must fulfill the lower part of the pyramid which is the fundamental needs then followed by psychological needs until achieving self actualization. However, what happen to poor successful athletes who manage to be on the top. We can say that they had neglecting and not fulfilling their fundamental needs and just jumping to achieve self actualization. After they had achieve on what they want to be, then here comes for them to reach the psychological needs where they become more confident by able to increase self esteem. As a result from reward that they got from being on the top, their fundamental needs like house, food and clothes now is fulfill. They even not have a lavish  and modern sport equipment for the purpose of training and competition....  For example, have you remembered Sapok  Biki that won gold medal in kick boxing competition on Commonwealth Games 1998?..He was come from rural area in Sarawak where most of basic accommodation cannot be found. And our number one Badminton player, Dato' Lee Chong Wei....he also came from not a wealth family. Both of his parents work and i remember that his mother work as factory worker...After reading his biography makes me wonder, how strong spirit that this man own..despite of having a lot of difficulties especially in term or money in the process of climbing to the number 1 player in badminton ranking. So, does fundamental physical needs determine the successful of individuals?..You judge….Both direction actually whether climbing from the bottom or jumping from the top of the pyramid (Hierarchy of Needs)..make sense..Individual difference determines from where they should start it….How about you?......