Friday, April 27, 2012

Equipment 4 EFFECTIVE leader..

According to Barrow 1997, leadership can be defined as the behavioral process of influencing the activities of an organized group toward specific goals and the achievement of those goals.  The one who is given the responsibility a leader by hook or by crook have to maximize his ability and credibility in order to increase other people performance and motivation.  In order to become an effective leader, there are certain attributes that should be possessed.
Physical vitality and stamina is one of the important attributes that should be possessed by the leader since they should be the ideal example for the athletes. As we know, engage in sport activity need a lot of physical exertion and as a leader, they should demonstrate a strong physical vitality and stamina in the field. Besides that, strong mental condition also should be shown to the athletes as a foundation when dealing with pressure condition in competition for example. When the leader show strong physical and mental states, the athletes may further more confidence with their leader and will make them as the best example.
Besides that, the leader has to be an intelligence person. As we know, involves in sport activity require a different technique and strategy. Besides that, the leader also the one that responsible for leading the team, the leader should be not only physically strong but they also should possessed high level of intelligence so that they can cope and deal with every problem and crisis wisely. Furthermore, managing a team is not an easy task. Every decision should be evaluate creative and critically.
Understanding of followers and their needs also the important attributes that should be hold by an effective leader. Every follower has different need like food preference. The effective leader has to know well their followers and have to understand their needs so that any problem will not occur in the future. Effective leader have to keep in touch with their followers and build a strong rapport so that the followers will feel that they can easily share what in their mind or anything that disrupt their mind. Thus, understanding of followers need can be one of the potions in the successful team.
The next attributes should be possessed by an effective leader is trustworthiness. Having this quality is very important as a base for having good ethics while doing responsibility as a leader. Be an honest leader   can offer a clean games that free from corruption and illegal action that. The leader should manage to elicit the decision objectively and free from bias when dealing with followers and others to make sure successful goal can be achieve. Thus, trustworthy is very important quality for an effective leader in order to grant a good future for a team.
The last attributes that should be hold by an effective leader is need for achievement. The leader should have high motivation in order to lead their team to do better and try their best in every competition. A winning somehow is not necessary but a new records or better performance achieved compared to previous performance is the most valuable achievement. The leader have to instill an eagerness quality in every their athletes or followers to create a better performance so that their records can be improve. Thus, by setting a goal in order to achieve better in every competition, athletes will strive their best for the sake for improving their performance and winning can be considered as bonus.

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